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Sailor Top by Fancy Tiger Crafts
Hi there, friends! Long time, no blog. Oh well. I’ve actually been sewing quite a bit, but not a lot of photos/blog posts have been happenings (obvs). I’m trying to remedy that. The problem is that I’ve finally reached that point where pretending that my pre-pregnancy clothing still fits is no longer an option. I’ve […]

Review: Janome Skyline S5 Sewing Machine
I recently had the fabulous opportunity to spend some time with the new Janome Skyline S5, and wow, is it a great machine! BUT FIRST, let me give you my disclaimers. I was not paid for this review. In fact, Janome fully encouraged me to tell about both everything I LOVE and everything I DISLIKE […]

Moving On
My blog has been a lonely little space these past few months, but with good reason. Lots of things have been changing. First, I’m having another baby. But if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you already knew that. I’m currently about 16 weeks along and starting to come out of the fog a […]

SYRAH Skirt by Selvage Designs for Perfect Pattern Parcel #6
Woohoo, I’m off sabbatical! And I’m releasing a new pattern today! Isn’t it all just so EXCITING?! Introducing the SYRAH Skirt by Selvage Designs: It’s a maxi skirt (or a maxi-hi-lo, or a knee-length skirt) with a side-ruched OR flat waistband and…wait for it…a built-in slip for extra coverage! And no waistband elastic to dig […]

Blog Sabbatical … Yep, you heard right
I’ve been thinking about this post for a few weeks now, mulling over in my head what I would type and how I would explain my feelings about blogging right now. I thought about just silently slipping into sabbatical without even a mention, but no, part of the reason I NEED this sabbatical is to clarify […]

Aster Cardigan to Quilted Jersey Dress REMIX!
You can read my original review of the Aster Cardigan by Vanessa of Willow & Co Patterns here. Or, you can just enjoy these photos of one of my favorite garments I’ve ever made for Harper. Or ever. No really. It is that good. I’d had this dress idea in mind for quite some time, […]

Willow & Co Patterns Aster Cardigan and Clover Shorts
I am SO late to the Willow & Co party. I know. In fact, I bought these fabrics months ago when the pattern collective first launched – and I had every intention of participating in the pattern tour. But, you know, life happened…things got in the way…and I cleared my plate. But interestingly, I’ve been […]

Simplicity 1463 in Lavender Stripe Sweater Knit
I recently purchased a shirt at Nordstrom Rack which I LOVE (see it here in a previous post of mine) and wanted to duplicate. But then, I spotted this pattern at Jo-Ann last week and snatched it up in a jiffy for $1.99 (love that). I know a lot of people probably think I draft […]

Free Sewing Pattern: Cupcake Dress and Gleeful Blog Hop
When Caroline of the popular sewing blog/pattern company Sew Caroline contacted me about participating in the tour for her new fabric line, Gleeful, I was ecstatic! Caroline has become a great friend over the past few months, and pretty much anything she creates is fun, colorful and beautiful (just like her!). I asked for a […]

Teaser Video from My Upcoming BurdaStyle Course
Good morning, friends! There’s been a ton of interest in my BurdaStyle course, Digital Pattern Drafting with Adobe Illustrator, so this morning, I took some time to make a quick teaser video for you guys from one of the course lessons. Of course, this is a much abbreviated version, but you will see the type […]

Rage Against Sponsored Posts / AKA Highway Robbery
Before folks get their panties all wadded up, I want to give a little disclaimer. This post is NOT directed at anyone specifically. I see sponsored posts like the ones I’m talking about below all. the. time. in the sewing blogging world. So if you/your friend happened to post one today or yesterday or last […]

Giveaway and Pattern Review: Pleated Pencil Skirt by Delia Creates
I have something very exciting for you guys today – I’m giving away TWO copies of the latest pattern by Delia Creates, the Pleated Pencil Skirt. And of course, I’m also going to tell you all about my experience with sewing this amazing pattern. For full disclosure, I purchased my copy of this pattern after seeing [weblink]

McCall’s 6438 Skirt in Red Floral Challis
Confession time: I am super self-conscious about my legs. I have always thought them to be too skinny, too pale, too small for my body, etc. etc. But according to my Instagram and Facebook friends, they are looking OK. So, here they are – in all their glory. But this post is about a pattern […]