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Soleil Dress by Lauren Dahl

Project Run & Play Sewalong: Put Me in the Zoo

I’m sewing along with something! I’ve never done that! Are you as impressed with me as I am?! No? Okay. Anyway.

Here are my photos of Harper’s Put Me in the Zoo look. I designed this dress from scratch while I was developing some of the course material for Pattern Workshop.

Soleil Dress-4

Harper loves tigers, lions and basically any feline animal. She even dreams about them at night. And how they bite her feet. (???!) My husband grimaced at this fabric when I brought it home from Joann, but once I got the dress sewn up, he actually liked it on her a lot. She makes most things cute though.

Soleil Dress-3

The ribbing was something I bought at the Michael Levine loft in L.A. See that topstitching up there? That’s my first attempt at sewing ribbing with my coverstitch machine! Not perfect, but oh. So. Stretchy. I love it.

Soleil Dress-2

Her favorite part of the dress is the deep pockets. I love them, too, because they are such a cute feature. And did you see the open back? So much fun! I’m calling this dress “Soleil” because it’s the perfect style to play in the sun in which to get a weird sunburn.

Soleil Dress

Oh, and see that graininess above? I had another aha! moment. FULL. MANUAL. In other words, no more auto-ISO. All that grain is a result of my…ahem…1600 ISO. I’m learning piece by piece…but now I just need to put it all together!

What do you think about our animal-inspired look? Are you sewing along with Project Run & Play this season? 

  • Jodi

    Gladys: ” is that a little girl? Her my friend?” :):):)

    • Lauren Dahl

      Awesome – so cute!!!

  • Renee

    Very cool dress! love the back overlap with the ribbing.

    • Lauren Dahl

      Thanks, Renee!

  • Meghan Welch

    Very cute dress! I’ve been having trouble with grainy pics lately too. I took a bunch of pics yesterday with the ISO at 400 and they are STILL grainy! Oy.

    • Lauren Dahl

      I have to keep practicing!

  • Shannon_CC

    Saw this on Instagram and had to drop by. Cutie! Cute! Cute! Love the way the back fits.

    • Lauren Dahl

      Thanks, Shannon! Tester call soon!

  • Lori

    Fabulous dress, it is darling on Harper and I love her pose in the third photo. The coverstitch machine is the best!

    • Lauren Dahl

      She does come up with some great poses! You should have seen the dress-over-the-head pose!

  • truebias

    This is so great. I seriously love it. great combo of print/color.

    • Lauren Dahl

      Thank you thank you!!

  • Lucy losingmythread

    I love the back detail! My husband often frowns at my daughter’s (age 3) fabric choice…no creative vision!

    • Lauren Dahl

      Haha, exactly!! They need to think like a toddler girl. :)

  • Michelle Martini

    I’ve been an IG follower since I saw your Mumford & Sons look, but I’m new to your blog. First of all, awesome “About” page.

    And this dress! My daughter would love it, and I love the uniquely designed back. Great job!

    • Lauren Dahl

      Watch for a tester call very soon! :D

  • Chelsea B.

    Love this fabric!! Super cute and great detail on the back!

  • Charity

    That is really cute! Love the pockets and back of the dress.

  • Skirt Fixation

    Ooooh, I love the fabric too! We’re sewing along, and hope you come over to our website for Challenge Create: Adult Edition and sew along too!

  • Steph Skardal

    Super love this dress!!!

  • Ajaire

    Congrats on using full manual! I am so not anywhere near that point, but I’m eager to learn. I look forward to seeing your progress not to mention more cute little dresses like this one!

  • Annika

    Oh wow, that’s a fun dress. I especially adore the pic with the hat. What a beauty!

  • Michelle Bryer

    I absolutely LOVE this design!! How stinkin’ adorable!! And the pink accent ribbing is perfect :)

  • Jeanetta

    So so darling Lauren! Awesome creation. She looks so sweet in it! Love the peek a boo back and contrasting ribbing. yay!

  • Simple Simon and Company

    Hooray for sewing along!!! Love it!
    -Simple Simon and Company

    • Lauren Dahl

      Glad you stopped by! xoxo

  • lindsay

    Love this dress! The playful ribbing is perfect. And great captures- “yay” to full manual!