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Blog Sabbatical … Yep, you heard right

I’ve been thinking about this post for a few weeks now, mulling over in my head what I would type and how I would explain my feelings about blogging right now. I thought about just silently slipping into sabbatical without even a mention, but no, part of the reason I NEED this sabbatical is to clarify TO MYSELF how I feel about blogging. About everything I’m doing, really.

So, here goes.

This year has been kind of nuts. I created a list of three goals in January that consisted of the following:

  1. Launch Pattern Workshop.
  2. Launch Selvage Designs.
  3. Reach 1,000 blog followers on Bloglovin’.

Well, check, check and almost check. I’ve done almost everything I set out to do this year, and fall is only starting to show her beautiful colors. And since I’ve gone from close to zero blog followers in January to over 900, I anticipate I’ll probably check #3 off my list, too.

And in addition to the three goals above, I signed contracts with BurdaStyle and Janome.


But lately, I’ve been questioning all of it. Not whether I should quit everything – NO, NOT THAT – but which things should take priority (and which ones should go way, way, back to the back burner). I’ve been stuck in that dreaded gray area where it feels like everything is moving so fast and simultaneously NOT MOVING – all at the same time.

So let’s talk about blogging. First, let me tell you: I do not make money at blogging. It took me 7 months to even reach the $100 threshold to get paid by Google Adsense. Okay, so I guess that’s a little money. But it’s barely enough to cover my hosting. Sure, I could grow my readership by posting free tutorials and patterns. Or I could work for product – sewing my little heart out for a couple yards of fabric here and there. And maybe, just MAYBE, I would make a little more money off ads on my blog. But it could take years. And frankly, my heart’s just not in it.

That’s why I recently started asking myself, “WHY AM I STILL KILLING MYSELF OVER THIS DAMN BLOG?!” It used to be fun, you know? Sewing, taking pictures…blogging when I felt like it. I wrote about my kids, my family, my sewing projects. There was never a motive or an analytic I was trying to improve. I never thought to myself, “Hmmm…should I post this as a free tutorial on my site or do a guest post on a bigger site? What time of day will I get the most traffic? On which social media should I share this post? Will applying a matte filter to my photos generate more shares?”

Now, I have a freaking checklist of everything I have to do after I write a post. Share on Facebook. Share on Instagram. Post on PatternReview. Post on Kollabora. Post on Indiesew. Ask blogger friends to share. Pin on Pinterest.



And let’s talk about sewing for fun versus sewing for the blog. When I’m sewing for fun, I just sew. I don’t worry about the lighting or time of day or whether or not I took a good photo of that one step. I don’t think about how fabulous my stitches need to look or whether or not I should post it on Monday or Thursday.

I JUST SEW. And I make things my kids and I will love - not the few thousand random people who follow me on various social media. And when I’m not spending hours (yes hours – driving to photo shoot location, taking photos, editing photos, writing post, publicizing post, re-posting, etc.) on blog posts, I actually have time…TO SEW. And to do random art projects with my kids. And to, you know, watch Orange is the New Black.

And it’s not that I don’t appreciate my readers/followers; in fact, I’ve made so many amazing friends through this blog – many of which I have gone on to meet in person, forge business partnerships with, etc. The problem is that I just focus on it way too much…and for so little return.

The fact is…I want to make money. I make no apologies for that. Because you know what? Money buys fabric. And patterns. And mortgage payments. And college educations. MONEY BUYS ALL THE THINGS.

BUT, money does NOT buy happiness. And happiness is another thing I want.

So how do I make money? And what makes me happy?

I will tell you: not blogging. (On either account.)

For now, I am shifting my focus into money-making activities (teaching, pattern design, etc.) for a while so I can spend the rest of my time JUST BEING HAPPY with my family and my sewing machine. There is only so much time in the day, and I must use it carefully.

Does this mean I am done blogging? No; it simply means I am taking a break. The nature of my work is that I have to put in a lot of effort up-front for a lot of payout in the long-term. Developing online courses and patterns means residual, semi-passive income, and that is my goal: to be able to be mommy while also contributing to my family financially.

Again, this does NOT mean I’m quitting blogging. Hopefully, this sabbatical will help me to clarify my goals and come back even more solid than before. I just need the time to sort it all out and focus some profit-making activities. Because, folks, quilted jersey does not come cheap. And this mamma likes quilted jersey.

Just sayin’.

Okay. So. I am traveling with the kids from September 10-22, then another trip early October and ANOTHER trip (to Quilt Market!) at the end of October. And I have a couple “secret” projects I am working on in the meantime, along with another (different) course launching on BurdaStyle at the end of October (details forthcoming). I anticipate my sabbatical will be about a month, maybe two…with occasional posts here and there. Then, I hope to get back to it in November (or the first of the year at the latest!).

(People ask me all the time how I do it all, and the truth is, I don’t. Thus the picking and choosing.)

I will still be around, but I won’t be killing myself with make-believe deadlines and invisible ladders to nowhere. I post on instagram all–the–time, so if you want to keep up on the day-to-day and get a few previews of the projects I’m working on, you can follow me there. 

xoxo see you guys on the flip side.

  • April

    Lauren, I totally get this! I love to sew and find it so much more enjoyable when I’m sewing what I want, without a deadline. And zero parameters. I blog when I feel it’s fun and when I’m burnt out, I don’t. And I love that freedom! I’m excited to see what comes from all these fun partnerships and what the future holds for you!!

  • Maddie Flanigan

    Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure does help! I have expensive taste too and if I didn’t have a day job that supported my lifestyle, I’d rethink my blogging strategy as well. You’re a smart cookie for doing what you know is right. See you on the flip side! No rush!

  • Ms. Cleaver

    When I first starting blogging (almost 7 years ago now, eep!) I promised myself I would never apologize for not blogging, whatever the reason. Because I have a life to live, and that takes precedence. All of this is to say – good for you and enjoy your sabbatical. We’ll be here when you come back.

  • Steph Skardal

    I feel you, girl! About everything, about quilted jersey, about Orange is the New Black. Good luck on the blog soul search!!!

  • rlbwoods

    So, I don’t know you. And I just stumbled upon you on Instagram. And I just have to say, BRAVO! You should be so proud of yourself! I’m much older than you and have suffered through these decisions around balance and priorities and you are spot on. You do what you think is right by you and your family. And we will be here when/if you get back.

  • Laura Doty

    Oh Lauren, I could not feel you more. Seriously. Have a fabulous sabbatical, have fun sewing, and see you on Instagram! xoxo

  • PoldaPop

    Nicely said. Onward, Ho! on making money and finding happiness. Cheers!

  • Charity

    Enjoy your break! =) I’ll miss your posts, and am already looking forward to your return here, but I definitely agree with avoiding things that are not bringing you joy OR making you money!

  • Helen // Grosgrain Green

    Good for you! Enjoy your break. I follow you on IG anyway, so happy to see what you are up to on there.

  • Five Green Acres

    Oh, you just put into words everything I’ve been struggling with for MONTHS. (except the contracts and raging success) Thank you.

  • Annemieke Jacobs

    You need to tale all the tome you need to get back in to you happy place. I blog for fun and it is great. And I learned not to set to many goals. Just go Back to being you ;-)

  • abby @ thingsforboys

    Good for you Lauren! I’ve been blogging a lot less lately, and doing it only when I want to and I feel a lot better for it. Enjoy your time!

  • Evie

    Bravo! It’s really hard, sometimes, to make such a change, even when it’s the right thing to do. Enjoy your sabbatical. See you on the other side.

  • Lucinda Campbell

    It’s so refreshing to hear another fellow blogger facing the same frustrations! I don’t have anywhere near the volume of traffic your blog receives or the followers, but I feel pressure every time I write a blog post to also follow a check-list to get more readers, I obsess over photos my boyfriend takes of my finished garments, etc. Good for you for identifying what makes you happy, and being honest about your goals!


    I completely feel you. Blogging is draining. It really is. I’m constantly at odds with the why of it and get so unbelievably discouraged with it at times… concurrently, I feel overwhelmed by over-committing and feel like my family time should be more… the list goes on and on. I think I’d go on a real sabbatical but I don’t think anyone would notice! I guess I just keep on because I love sewing and I love making unique things for my kids and I am compelled to make them clothes. Beyond that, I hope you have a wonderful trip here to Portland with your family. Sometime in the future, I’d sure love to hang out with you. I suspect you are one of the good ones ;-)

  • Francesca Amodeo

    Good for you! I still hope you;ll release that maxi skirt pattern, though….