Hey look, that’s me! I’m Lauren Dahl. That’s Mommy to Harper and Ezra, Wifey to Scott and Lover to all things chocolate. We live in Salt Lake City with our two cats, Wonton and Chopstick, and no, we are not Mormon.
You see that photo of me in the sidebar? Yeah, the one where I’m all, “I’m basking in this magical creative glow while I sip my mocha and watch my kids play contentedly in the backyard that I’ve completely outfitted with DIY jungle gyms and filled with a homegrown vegetable garden. And I’m doing it all with my perfectly applied lip gloss and a clean, wrinkle-free shirt.”
Yeah. That’s totally not real. So do not go thinking I look like that all the time. I don’t. (But when I DO, I’m all, NAILED IT!)
Reality is more like this:
And this:
And this:
And, you know…this:
But I have a lot of fun hanging out with these two:
And this guy:
…so I really can’t complain.
If you’ve ever met me in person, you know I have a southern accent. I was born in Alabama and went to college at the University of Alabama. If you feel compelled to should “ROLL TIDE!” or “WAR EAGLE!” at me – save it. I’m just really not that into it. But that’s awesome if you are! Really. No, I mean it.
After college, I moved to Colorado for graduate school. Oh, yeah! I am a stay-at-home mom with a master’s degree in advertising management. I know, right? You know how special that is if you know how much I hate advertising. I also have a real estate license, but that, too, is another story for another day.
Long story short, I ended up in Salt Lake City, met my husband at the rock climbing gym, started this blog, got married in Thailand and had a couple babies. No big deal. I spend my days chasing after those two, sewing, quilting, baking, knitting, wiping poop off things, mowing the grass, folding laundry and taking selfies. Actually, taking selfies probably comprises a good 48% of my day. Remember the 373 exposures? Bam.
After the kids are asleep (8pm) and the selfies are edited (there’s just really not enough time in the day for that, ya know? But maybe 12am), I work on learning Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, CSS, pattern drafting, design and photography. And when I come across some awesome way of doing said things, I like to share it here on my blog.
OH!!! And guess what? I’m working on a sewing pattern. Hopefully I’ll be releasing it in the spring of 2014. Yeahhhhh…..
(Insert photo of fat baby flashing gang signs here)